Fashion for your Yearbook Flyers • Inter-State Studio

Fashion for your Yearbook Flyers

Fashion week for New York begins this week! While you may or may not be interested in the latest styles in the world of high fashion, I’m willing to bet you are interested in fashioning yearbook flyers to help you sell more yearbooks. Let’s have our own fashion week for yearbooks and flyers!
Fashion Week George
First let’s focus on flyers, and then in our next blog we will start talking about the main event – yearbook themes and design.
You can choose from two styles of flyers, depending on the information you need to send to students and parents.

  1. Printable Flyers.  All you have to do is go to our website and print out the flyers. This is the best option if you need your flyers right away or if you have specific information you need to include. Once you print the front of the flyers with the art you get from our site, just flip it on your printer, create a document with the information you need to include about your yearbooks and print it on the back.


2. Customized Flyers. If you have a little time, you can talk to your rep or contact us directly to order flyers with a built-in money collection envelope. On the back of the flyer, you can customize the following fields, and with these standard changes, your flyers are free!

School Name • Due Date • Cost Per Book • Online Order Availability • Checks Payable Information

order Yearbooks flyer        flyer back

Enjoy fashion week and check back next Tuesday to learn about yearbook fashion, including yearbook themes and how to make your yearbook pop!