How to Choose a Yearbook Company • Inter-State Studio

How to Choose a Yearbook Company

Spring has arrived, and with it some big decisions for your school. It’s time to start thinking about which yearbook company you should use this year.

There are many variables to consider when deciding which company to trust with the important task of preserving school memories. Here is a checklist to help you choose a yearbook publishing company that will work for you and your school.Choosing a Yearbook Company

1. Experience

Pop-up printing companies may seem hip and convenient, but you might find more stability, options and customer service by going with an established yearbook company. An added bonus when choosing a publisher with years of experience is that you can continue to build your relationship for years to come.

2. In-House Printing

Are your yearbooks being designed by one company and printed by another? Using a company that provides all you need in one place, from design software to their own printing equipment, can simplify the process.

3. Options

You have a budget, and that means that you need options that allow you to stay within that budget, while still providing a beautiful yearbook for students. Choose a company that offers a lot of choices, so you can pick the perfect combination to meet your specific needs.

4. Support

Making a whole year’s worth of memories come together is quite a project. Make sure your yearbook company is there for you when you have questions or need help. Not only should they be available to support you with the design process, but also to give you ideas on selling and fundraising. These things go hand-in-hand when it comes to producing yearbooks.

5. Price

Take into consideration what you are getting for the price quoted. You can often get more for your money by asking questions and seeking out promotions. Call and inquire about available options to save your school some money or to add something to your yearbook that would otherwise exceed your budget.

Click a link below to find out more about Inter-State yearbook publishing:

Yearbook Publishing Experience          Great Yearbook Price          yearbook design

It’s a great time to start planning for the 2016/2017 school year. Making a decision before school is out this year will free up your summer, so you can be ready to begin collecting memories the day classes begin again.

Follow the Inter-State Studio blog to find out more about the steps in the yearbook process. In upcoming blogs, we will walk you
through the flow of the project and welcome you to the world of yearbooking!