Yearbook Design - Ways to Get Back in the Groove | Inter-State Studio

Welcome Back! Get Back in the Groove.

We hope your holiday break was everything you hoped for and more! Now that you are back at school, it might be hard picking up where you left off with your yearbook project. We are here to help! It’s important to keep the project moving so you aren’t rushed when it’s time to submit. Here are a few ideas to get you back in the groove.
yearbook design tips

  • Pick a theme for your pages. Most likely, you have chosen your cover already. Choose a theme for the pages that will match. We provide a great selection of themes to go with our standard cover options, or you can come up with your own.
  • Assign pages to each person helping with the project. Depending on the size of your yearbook, you will most likely need to delegate page spreads to each person within your group. This will keep the workload manageable and allow you to meet your deadline.
  • Jazz up the pages with Clip Art or fun design elements. If your layout is settled and pictures and backgrounds are set, go through your book and determine if any of the pages need a little flair to make them interesting.
  • Keep taking pictures. The school year isn’t over yet. Make sure you have several options for pictures by allowing parents and students to submit pictures. The goal is to have each student’s picture in the yearbook more than once.
  • Have several people proof each page after it is completed. Proofing is kind of a big deal when it comes to yearbooks. You will want to make sure you proof for things like grammar, images, accuracy of labeling, and design.

It can be hard coming back from the holidays, but we know you can do it! Learn more about our school yearbooks for high schools, middle schools and elementary schools.