Building a successful yearbook requires the perfect balance of organization and creativity. However, it can be really easy to stay on task if you keep a yearbook project checklist of what needs to be completed and when. We’ll start you off by giving you the highlights, but be sure to check out our detailed version on our website for even more ideas.
Before school starts:
- Decide on a yearbook company and receive your quote.
- Plan a Back-to-School Packet that includes yearbook information.
- Get to know your yearbook team (we call it a Yerd Herd!) and determine individual strengths.
- Designate responsibilities – Page Design, Pictures, Copy, Budgeting, etc…
- Determine your yearbook price.
- Launch your advertising & sales campaign.
- Build your page ladder based on last year’s yearbook or start fresh.
- Start taking pictures.
- Decide on your yearbook theme.
- Pick a cover (choose a free option from your yearbook company or design your own to go with your theme).
- Get organized & set deadlines for each portion of the yearbook design.
- Set up a place where others can share pictures for you to use in the yearbook.
- Proof all individual pictures & names for accuracy.
- Set up group pictures.
- Send flyers home with students.
- Meet set deadlines for Thanksgiving break.
- Submit your cover selection.
NOTE: If you are working on the yearbook without a team, December is a great time to catch up on page design. If you are on break, you can sit in front of a cozy fire and work on pages before school starts up again.
- Proof pages that have been completed so far.
- Organize images that were taken just before break or over the break to include in the yearbook.
- Continue taking pictures.
- Finish Holiday Pages.
- Review your budget – Have you sold the estimated number of books?
- Set up a yearbook promotion for last-minute orders.
- Hold a fundraiser to cover any remaining cost.
- Finish up pages.
- Do a final proofing.
- Submit book for production.
- Complete final order agreement & submit payment.
- Plan distribution of yearbooks. (Signing Party!)
Hold on to this yearbook project checklist for your 2016/2017 yearbook planning. Viewing each step month-by-month will help ensure that you are on track throughout the year and will end up with a beautiful yearbook.