Are you ready to get started designing your yearbook? Preview and print our Quick Start Guide for PlicBooks to get started designing your yearbook!
Are you ready to get started designing your yearbook? Preview and print our Quick Start Guide for Memento to get started designing your yearbook!
Each year Inter-State Studio offers 35+ Free Standard Yearbook Covers. These standard covers range in customization options. Some allow for only school name customization while other allow for your own images to be uploaded and school colors to be selected. Find all of our cover options here.
When you are ready to customize one of our standard covers visit our Cover Design Studio. This is the place where you can customize and submit the cover to be printed. Remember, how the cover looks within this program is how it will print. Please be sure spelling is correct, colors selected are correct and any images upload are quality images.
Your username and password will be provided to you by Inter-State Studio or your Inter-State Studio Representative. When accessing the site we recommend the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Once logged in you will follow the prompts to upload and submit your cover.
Make your yearbook more personal for your school community by designing a custom cover. Turn a photograph, artwork or your own custom design into your yearbook cover. Below are your go-to resources for size requirements, design specifications and the submission process.
Your custom yearbook cover must meet our minimum resolution requirement before it can be successfully uploaded into Cover Design Studio.
Please remember Cover Design Studio is not a custom cover creation tool, but is only used to upload your final cover file for publication. This gives you the opportunity and flexibility to design your custom cover in the software program you are most comfortable using like Photoshop or InDesign.
If your final file does not meet the requirements listed above it will not pass the resolution check when you submit your final file in Cover Design Studio. This is to ensure your cover prints with the best quality.
It is important before you begin designing your cover that you download the overlay template we have designed for your use. This overlay can be applied directly into your design program as a layer. The overlay will give a visual of areas that might be cut off, wrapped or land on the book spine. Click below to download the template.
Remember when designing your cover that all artwork must be original to you. Find more details about copyright laws and images to avoid in our Planning Your Yearbook section.
Once you are completely satisfied with your custom cover you are ready to start the uploading process. Your final custom cover file needs to be a single page document. It must also be in one of following formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PDF or PNG.
To start the uploading and submitting process visit our Cover Design Studio. Your username and password will be provided to you by Inter-State Studio or your Inter-State Studio Representative. When accessing the site we recommend the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Once logged in you will follow the prompts to upload and submit your cover.
If you have any questions, concerns or issues with the creation, uploading or submitting process please contact your Yearbook Representative or Inter-State Studio Tech Support at (888) 823-6957.