High School Yearbooks - Covers & Design Options | Inter-State Studio

High School Yearbooks

High School Yearbooks document the final years of childhood, making them one of the most treasured possessions a person can own later in life. Let us help you create a unique and high-quality high school yearbook that will last a lifetime.

Memento Yearbook Logo Captura Yearbooks Logo

yearbook design program suite

We have something for everyone. Select the design program that meets your needs and we will assist you in creating brilliant yearbook pages. 

Standard & Custom Yearbook Covers

Whether you are looking for a simple cover with a unique design that you can just add your school name to or a way to create a custom cover, we have options for you. Browse our professionally designed, free, standard covers or upload a design of your own. Remember, some of our free designs allow you to add images and school colors.

Standard & Custom Yearbook Covers
Customization Options

Customization Options

Add a touch of class to your yearbook with features like our new Spot UV. Look through our selection of lamination, binding and more to create a yearbook that is really special.

Yearbook Design Ideas

Find out how to create a yearbook that really makes a statement. Here we provide ideas for themes, clipart information, easy design templates, and more.  You can even request a sample book to help get your creative juices flowing.

Yearbook Design Ideas
Yearbook Support

Yearbook Support

We make it our mission to help you create the best yearbook possible, so we are available if you have any questions while you design. Your representative and our technical staff will be your guide to finishing and publishing a beautiful yearbook this year.