Taking and Collecting Yearbook Photos • Inter-State Studio

Taking and Collecting Yearbook Photos

Taking and Collecting Yearbook PhotosTaking and collecting yearbook photos is one of the most important part of creating a great yearbook!  Below are important tips to remember as you take, collect and organize photos throughout the school year.

Create A Plan:

Create a plan for collecting and organizing photos for the yearbook early in the school year.  We suggest that each student be featured in the book at least three times. You don’t have to tackle this BIG task alone.  Classroom parents, PTO, faculty, staff and volunteers can help by providing you with photos throughout the year.  Just be sure to identify these key individuals and ask for their help early in the school year.  By bringing on yearbook volunteers to help you take photos for the yearbook, you will have a more comprehensive overview of the school year. 


Organizing Yearbook Photos: 

When it comes to keeping photos organized for your yearbook, we recommend two methods:  

Method One: Each of our yearbook design softwares has a great feature that allows you, parents, students or volunteers to upload photos directly into folders within your chosen yearbook design software via a special link.  If you need help with this feature please contact your Inter-State Studio Yearbook Representative. 

Method Two:  Use Google Drive to store and organize yearbook photos by class and event.  Share your pre-created folders with those who will be helping you take photos throughout the year.  They can add additional folders and document the specifics of each event and who is in each photo.  

Remember to set reminders to notify your yearbook photo helpers throughout the year regarding capturing those special events and moments! 


Learn more about our extensive yearbook design software options here


Taking Photos For The Yearbook:

It is always important to get great photos of every event.  Remember these key dos and don’ts for taking photos and share with all your yearbook photo helpers. 

For GREAT  Photos Remember: 

  • Use flash for indoor photos. 
  • Be as close to your subjects as possible.
  • Scan original photos instead of making photocopies. 
  • Use a camera with 6.0 megapixels or higher. 
  • Make sure photos are at least 250 dpi. 


AVOID These Common Photo Mistakes: 

  • Taking photos of people facing the sun. 
  • Taking photos in areas with low light without a flash.
  • Increasing the resolution of a photo on your computer. 
  • Creating dark shadows by using the flash too close to the background. 
  • Adding filters to your photographs. 
  • Choosing dark backgrounds, like red curtains or gym floors. 


With these tips, we are sure your yearbook will be fantastic!  Additional tips, tools and resources for planning your yearbook, selling your yearbook and designing your yearbook are available in our Yearbook Toolbox.