Making memories matters. It’s not just a theme for fall picture season; our team at Inter-State wholeheartedly believes it. We understand the importance of capturing these moments in time, as our children are growing up. It is the core of what we do, to help these memories last a lifetime. Each year I compare my...
Back to school…. This can mean many things for kids and parents alike…Excitement, anxiety, fear, joy, reprieve (like break out the mimosas, I don’t have to listen to them fight all day!), and much more. I know in my household the kids and I had mixed feelings of excitement for the new, but anxiety for...
What is the best camera these days – Sony A7iii, Nikon D850 or the Canon 5D Mark IV? These are all great cameras, but for most of us, the best camera is the one we have with us. More than likely, most aren’t hauling around a DSLR at all times, but most of us will...
What is it and how you can celebrate The North American Nature Photography Association, or NANPA, established Nature Photography Day to bring awareness to the fragility of the world around us. The first step to celebrating is to stop replying to emails from the comfort of your couch and take your camera (mobile phone, point-and-shoot...
This is Teacher Appreciation Week. A week to focus on expressing gratitude to teachers who excel at their jobs. I am married to a teacher, so I have witnessed how much time and energy goes into it each day (and night!) On any given day, the title of “Teacher” could be replaced with “Mentor” or...
Announcing a new lamination option called Spot UV! Spot UV can be added to any yearbook cover to add dimensionality, brighten colors, and provide a textured surface. It doesn’t coat the whole cover like other lamination options, so it can be added to any existing design to highlight details. A special machine applies this coating...
Get some tips about developing a theme for your yearbook.
Get social with your GeoGeorge cling this year.
What judges look for when judging the Yearbook Legacy Contest.
Hey there, readers! Whether you’re a teacher, yearbook advisor, parent volunteer, or participate in other ways, we know you pour a lot of time and effort into yearbook creation every year. We think it’s about time you show off your hard work! So grab your yearbook and enter the 2017 Yearbook Legacy Contest! Inter-State Studio...