Learn how to sell valuable yearbook ads to parents and businesses through your school's social media accounts.
One of the many advantages of producing a yearbook through Inter-State Studio is our Legacy Yearbook Contest. It gives you the opportunity to show off all of the hard work that was put into your yearbook. Plus, you can win some great prizes, like money to go toward your yearbook program and a plaque to hang on the wall at your school!
Spring has arrived, and with it some big decisions for your school. It’s time to start thinking about what yearbook publishing company you should use this year.
We want you to know that you are not alone when it comes to your yearbook project. There are a lot of resources available to you, that we are happy to share.
Inter-State offers an abundance of clipart and backgrounds that complement your cover, but if you are looking for more options, here are some websites that you might like.
You may know Inter-State as a company that provides school pictures and/or yearbooks, but something you may not know is that we also provide student planners. You may know Inter-State as a company that provides school pictures and/or yearbooks, but something you may not know is that we also provide student planners. According to Psychological Science, using the handwritten note-taking method is much more effective for remembering information for longer periods of time than taking digital notes. It goes without saying (but we will say it anyway) that the same goes for assignment notes.
Ever have the feeling that you’re not taking full advantage of something? For example, the dessert section at a buffet restaurant. It’s tough to drool over the homemade strawberry pie after stuffing yourself with the mashed potatoes and meatloaf. We’ve had some customers in a similar situation, where they’ve purchased personalized yearbook pages, but have...
When designing a yearbook, many people like to import backgrounds and graphics into the yearbook design program. At Inter-State, we offer many options for page design, but if you have found additional images that go with your theme, here are some tips and tricks to upload those photos and use them within the Wizard design program.
It’s fashion week, but fashion doesn’t apply just to clothing. Building a yearbook takes a lot of style and creativity - but you knew that didn’t you? Yearbook themes are always at the top of a yearbook advisor’s list, along with interesting page layouts and bits of art you can include to make your yearbook stand out.
Fashion week for New York begins this week! While you may or may not be interested in the latest styles for high fashion, I’m willing to bet you might be interested in fashioning yearbook flyers to help you sell more yearbooks. Let’s have our own fashion week for yearbooks and flyers!