calevir, Author at Inter-State Studio • Page 7 of 9
A Special Touch for a Baby Frame!

A Special Touch for a Baby Frame!

Recently my oldest friend (since kindergarten!) had a baby shower for her first baby!  I wanted to give her something cute for her little girl and add a special touch to show her how much she means to me. I love the sentiment and meaning that comes with sharing my time, thoughts, creativity, and love...


It’s that time again!  Kiddos are going back to school, crazy  Fall sports schedules are starting and structure is begrudgingly being put back in place. Since my kids started school, I’ve gone back and forth about rather or not I am ready for them to return to spending more time at school than with me after a fun...

Christmas in July- Cube Glass Ornament

Christmas in July- Cube Glass Ornament

Here is a little more Christmas in July.  In addition to the square ornaments that I found from the previous post, I also ran across these cube ornaments.  With these you can adhere different pictures to all four sides and the bottom.  I chose to include pictures of my 3 kids on the one I...

Christmas in July- Square Glass Photo Ornaments

It amazes me every year how early Christmas items start filling store shelves!  I was recently walking through Hobby Lobby and these little gems caught my eye!  When I have decorated ornaments in the past it has proven to be a little bit of a difficult task to use pictures in ornaments because the round...

Christmas in July- Square Glass Photo Ornaments
Another Take on the DIY Coloring Book Photo Frame

Another Take on the DIY Coloring Book Photo Frame

I really loved the look of the DIY coloring book photo frame that I created with my younger daughter, so my older daughter and I created another take on the idea.  We decided to wrap a frame in the page she colored, similar to some other wrapped frames I have done!  I love including her...

Trendy Wooden Coloring Page Frame

I have been working with my kids on ideas for Father’s Day and we decided to focus on a frame idea.  This project is one my middle daughter and I came up with using the trendy adult style coloring page.  Coloring the detailed page gave her something to do on one of our lazy afternoons...

Trendy Wooden Coloring Page Frame
Sweet Little Photo Flower

Sweet Little Photo Flower

I found some cute mini wooden flower pots at the craft store and thought it would be fun to do something with them.  So, I looked around and used some scraps and tools I had laying around and created a cute little flower featuring one of my sweeties!  I decided to keep it on my desk, but it...

The Dos and Don’ts of Yearbook Creation and Publication

As you begin your summer and reflect on the school year that was, there are likely several things about your yearbook that you’ve identified as things you want to remember to replicate next year or to never do again. We’ve been doing some reflection of our own and have a few dos and don’ts for you...

The Dos and Don’ts of Yearbook Creation and Publication
3 Events You Can’t Miss This Summer

3 Events You Can’t Miss This Summer

Summertime. Time to sit by the pool, read a good book, or just prop up your feet and relax. Then again, just because school isn’t in session doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of activities to document for the 2016-17 yearbook. Summer is filled with baseball, tee-ball, swimming, and plenty of other activities you may want...

3 Reasons to Plan for August in May

With Memorial Day and summer vacation nearly upon us, we know that the last thing on your mind is the to-do list awaiting you in August. However, you can hit the ground running then, by doing some legwork now. Before you head out on your summer adventure, you will be able to rest a bit...

3 Reasons to Plan for August in May